Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Eddie Long Crowned 'King': New Birth Criticized For Ceremony That Went Viral

I'm so confused about this and I really don't know what to say. Maybe somebody can help me understand why this rabbi crowned Bishop Long a "king"? FYI....... Eddie Long crowned 'king': New Birth criticized for ceremony that went viral Video---> http://gnli.christianpost.com/video/eddie-long-crowned-king-during-new-birth-service-611

Congress Bans Welfare Recipients From Using Federal Funds At Strip Clubs!!!!!

Did you all know people were able to use their Federal funds at strip clubs????? So basically I'm paying taxes so that aid recipients can get their rocks off at the strip club WTH. Am I the only one who has a problem with this? Check the article out and let me know what you think. Congress bans welfare recipients from using federal funds at strip clubs

Women's Shaved Hair Revolution Taking Shape!!!!!

Natural hair seems to be the latest craze nowadays and doesn't seem to be slowing down. FYI....... Women's shaved hair revolution taking shape