Monday, October 3, 2011

Barbara Walters' Use Of N-Word Leads To Tense Discussion With Sherri Shepherd

I know this article and video may rub some people the wrong way but this is our reality in 2011. No matter what you you may think or say this is still a issue in our country and still needs to be addressed. Read the article,watch the video and give me your honest opinion. Barbara Walters' use of n-word leads to tense discussion with Sherri Shepherd:


  1. Sherri Shepherd needs to find a lane and stay in it (shout outs to Mr. Stay In His Lane).

    She has nothing to contribute to this discussion other than the foolish belief that no one can say the word even in an intellectual conversations, but it's ok to use ignorantly with your friends as long as you're Black.

    It makes little sense, and it's a crutch.

  2. You know you have a great point about Sherri Sheppard having no input in the conversation LOL. What is her point on the show if she is not going to join the conversation and talk with sense. I really enjoyed Whoopi because she quarterbacked the whole conversation with great insight.
