Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Who Should Play The New 'Scarface'????

A new Scarface???? I really don't feel you can replace Al Pacino in the classic 1983 remake of Scarface. Mr Pacino brought a certain feel to the role that made his character appear to be invisible. That's why most of the Hip-Hop world feel as if they can relate to the character's struggle and journey. I just wish someone would relay the message that Tony Montana is a fictional character that was played by a Italian American in Pachino LOL. Now, at what point do you stop the remaking a franchise because of fear of a let down at the box office. Despite the race factor of the actors in this slide show do you think they are adequate for this part? Slideshow: Who should play the new 'Scarface'?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Fan Uses Illegal Taser At Cowboys-Jets Game !!!!

This is what you call going postal and taking the game into your own hands lol. This guy must have really been upset about the Cowboys losing the game but I think he really went overboard racking up five felonies. What a way to spend the tenth anniversary of September 11 SMH sitting in a 8x10 cell.What do you think about the way this story ended? Fan uses illegal taser at Cowboys-Jets game:

Erykah Dumped Common

Come on this really sounds like a script from a movie. I never would've guessed it went down like this lol.  Common Says Erykah Badu Dumped   Him Over The Phone « Hip-Hop Wired 

Monday, September 5, 2011

Mail Officials Want Out!!!!!

After reading this article it certainly seems as if US Mail officials are being real devious and sneaky. Why would you allow postal employees to sign a contact that has a”no lay off ” clause then try to take it away? What do u think about this situation? NYT: In E-Mail Age, Postal Service