Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Police Officers Killed !!!!!!!!

On January 20, 2011 two police officers were gunned down in Miami, FL by a fugitive they were intending on arresting. After those unfortunate events happened there were several comments made on many social networks about how those fallen officers "got what they deserved". This is just disrespectful on so many levels, and just re-confims that there are some things in life I will never understand no matter how hard I try. What would posses a person to wish death on a officer doing his or her job? Now I know there are some bad cops out there but there is no reason for those ignorant comments to be made. I wonder do you have those same feelings when someone breaks into your home and steal your belongings, do you feel the same way? I know the people that made the comments are like “I’m speaking my mind “or “I’m keeping it real” but everything you think doesn’t have to be said. So don’t be surprised if your boss on your minimum wage job flipping burgers comes to you with a coke and a smile and tells you that you are FIRED (LOL to that).

1 comment:

  1. So far, there are a total of 19 police officers killed within the first month in a half of this year. Its really sad that those who are sworn to protect the city and local neighborhoods, our losing ther life. People who feel that police officers losing there life, is what they deserve. Honestly, People who feel that way our showing their ignorant, to fact that we all live to die. For one the devil tempting Eve, who shared the apple with Adam. Death imminent! Death apart from the will of God would be the wrong way to go, but we choose not to have control of life, or even care for life.Until we relearn LOVE, this hate and carelessness for life will continue.
