Monday, February 7, 2011

Do you agree with UAV surveillance??????

Do you feel sometimes that law enforcement (i.e. police, sheriff, and alphabet boys etc…) sometimes infringe on your civil rights as citizens? If so what do think about local agencies using U.A.V’s (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) to conduct surveillance and whatever else they deem necessary to catch criminals. A UAV can be controlled by a single controller from a laptop or command post, so in other words the vehicle can be controlled from anywhere. Now I must mention that Metro Dade Police Department is the first civilian agency in the United States to use a U.A.V which was purchased with a federal grant. Do like the idea of aerial surveillance going on in your neighborhoods? I do #justsaying     Metro Dade Police Now Uses UAV's

1 comment:

  1. Yes I do, believe that there our some who violate civil rights of citizens, not all law enforcement. I think the UAV surveilliance is another way to slowly remove our rights and beliefs in freedom. For example, social security numbers was away to pay back the banks with people lives. Research it, the 1933 brankruptcy of United States of America. Everything has its pros and cons, so i guess we should deal with it? NOT!! In addition their not going to catch the careful criminals any way. Only the sloppy criminal!. Look at who is getting a slap on the rest for stealing billions. We have to Frist should investigate who is creates the problems that brings about sloppy criminalism. Only the sloppy crooks will get court by this UAV surveillance who imitate the carful criminals who get away. Reasearch the C.I.A bringing in drugs in the 1980's and today times. The drug dealer Rick Ross talks about it. Personally,I think the UAV surveillance is the another beginning to the end.
