Monday, December 27, 2010

New Year's Resloution

The new year is rapidly approaching and as you already know many of us
are now thinking about New Year Resolutions. A New Year's resolution
is a commitment that an individual makes to a project or the reforming
of a habit, often a lifestyle change that is generally interpreted as
advantageous. The name comes from the fact that these commitments
normally go into effect on New Year's Day (Courtesy of Wikipedia).The
only drawback to making a resolution is that we often never stick to
them. For example something like"I want to lose 100 pounds in the
first quarter of 2011"that's not a realistic goal at all lol.My new
years resolution is I want to be a better person,better husband, and
to continue to eat healthy. What is your New Year's Resolution?

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Who's Laughin' Now... By Charlon Talley

One day I was driving down wall street.. And Suddenly I ran out of gas.. 

Walked 2 my bank WaMu to withdraw there last.. 
And while in line this guy came over the speaker and said the bank was 
bought by Chase.. 
And as I stood there I began 2 reminise and stare into space.. 
I was taken back 2 second grade carrear day.. 
And I wondered when I'm called what would I say.. 
Talent my teacher said come 2 the front of the class its your turn.. 
Anxiety caused a fire in me that till this day continues to burn.. 
I remembered earlier at home my mom asked me what I'd say.. 
I told her a reserch scientist.. I wanna find the cure for cancer one 
So as I thought about the classes reaction and hesitated.. 
If I say a scientist.. Laughin can certainly be anticipated.. 
So maybe If I say something funny first it won't be so bad.. 
So I said I wanna be the president of the united states of america.. 
Everybody including the teacher laughed.. 
So as I walk back 2 my seat.. I felt so embarrassed and ashamed.. 
My feelings were hurt yaw'll But I had nobody but myself 2 blame.. 
And on my walk home I thought hard and long.. What If.. 
I mean I can dream like Dr. King.. Let me paint a picture through my 
History has shown us we are royalty.. Mighty and Strong inside... 
Kings and Queens of everything.. Full of passion and pride.. 
Curiosity did a number on us..What's outside Africa was always on our 
Didn't help that them folks had a brochure with Issac from the love boat 
on it with this famous line... 
The land of oppurtunity.. Never said equal did he.. 
Oppurtunity a F-Cat word.. Didn't know what it would mean 2 U and me.. 
4 a second I wanna get angry.. Blurt out what pops in my head... 
I wasn't there so its based on what I read.. 
Several Different tribes side by side.. For a long strenuous ride.. Our 
laguage was different but our pain was the same.. 
But had a common Friend yaw'll.. and Jesus was his name.. 
2 bad it wasn't time 4 AC.. (A Black Man's invention not to mention..) 
Slave Ships so hot I had to watch my brother rot.. His blood is this ink 
spot My tears will make this ink blot.. Not enough 2 smear it, just 
enough to show the pain... Lookin forward 2 that rainbow.. That promise 
after the rain... 
Destination.. America... Home of Free Land of the brave.. This slogan 
wasn't 4 my people.. They were shackled and afraid.. 
Imagine going from Kings and Queens of everything to field slaves and house maids.. 
From Mighty thrones to aution blocks 4 what ever the Master paid.. 
Master... Hmmm.. Luke 21:7-22 says.. Read it later my time is limited.. 
But here's a snippet of how it ended.. 
There is only one Master.. Inspite of how many others claim 2 be.. 
The Great I AM is the Only God that you and I will ever need.. 
And on them ships he was the Almighty Calm when the oceans were rough.. 
He was that dignity they couldn't strip when the slave owners would get nasty and tough.. 
He is the heart that can't break that life they can't take that sense 
they can't make when they wonder why won't these people die.. 
I can't stand to see U confused.. So I'm a tell U why.. 
Affirmative Action.. But not for US.. For Yaw'll 
We've taken over Base Foot and Basketball.. 
Women's tennis.. And Lets Not 4get golf.. 
Tiger still number 1 with a year off... 
Man I love my History.. And We've only just begun.. 
Don't that song make since now.. We shall overcome..?? 
I can't leave out Obama.. The history books are now in color... 
I'd be lying if I didn't tell U.. I cried the night he won.. But I did it undercover.. 
U should see my teacher now.. Acting like he knew it would happen.. 
I wish I could talk to him and ask him Y he not still laughing.. 
God had this all in his plans and we needed struggle to appreciate.. 
That becoming Kings and Queens again will soon be our fate... 
So kids when U dream.. Dream big and not just about playin ball.. 
Saying I wanna be President of the United States wasn't that funny after 

Thursday, December 23, 2010

New Beginnings!!!!!!!!

This time of the year always makes me reflect on the things that are
important to me like family and real friends.Loved ones are so
important you can never put a price on them or take the relationship
for granted .I'm sure many of us know that Christmas is not just about
gifts and material things it has a much deeper meaning. As I go about
my day I cant help but think about all the different people in the
world that don't have a place to lay their head or caring family to
call when they want to talk. So I'm encouraging myself and everyone
else to speak your mind to who ever you have issues with and get that
animosity out. I can think of nothing worse then someone to have a
problem with someone and they not know. Nevertheless we are going onto
a new year and I'm sure we all can use a clean slate somewhere in our
lives.What do think?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Nuclear Warfare????????

I have noticed there have been a lot of talk lately about Nuclear
Walfare.So now the President and his administration has been going
back to the drawing board, about what they want to do if this kind if
warfare is presented. Now as a citizen you cant help but wonder what
the real story is behind this whole thing.Could it be that there is
something a little more deeper then what they are telling us mmmmm ?
In many news feeds they're giving brief info on what to do in the case
of an emergency but im sure there will be much more information coming
in the days to come, so be ready for whatever.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Slider........By Charlon Talley

Some of U have put in serious time.. Payed your dues..
But I need to remind U of the choices U choose..
Remember it was U who made the rules..
So now U got feelings.. But in this game U lose..

U are a slider.. And your role is as such..
U come around when I want U 2.. Never 2 much..
Its only physical never emotional or mental..
I may occasionally kiss U.. But I never intend 2 be gentle

U the one I call when the main actin' funny..
Or when its my off week and I need a lil money..
Or when she on the rag or saw a text in my phone..
I mean U feel needed don't U.. Besides I can't be alone..

My slider.. I love the way U let me slide in & out your life
All U will ever be is my slider.. U can never be my wife..
Don't be mad cause u clearly stated.. And I quote
"I don't want a relationship" Just wanna be poked..

Thank U slider.. For all the G★☆Ð U do..
For the times U let yourself out when I went 2 sleep on U
And 4 not getting upset when I tell U not 2nite..
Or when U saw us at the movies and U kept it tight..

See I do care.. And U are important in my life..
U will be what I don't get from my wife..
Its a cold world.. But sliders are hot like fire..
One piece of advice 2 U Sliders.. Next time set your goals higher..

This is a Public Service Announcement.. I am Talent and I approve this message.. M&M Productions ®

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Crimes Against The Elderly !!!!!!!!

Criminals targeting elderly people is becoming more and more prevalent. Something is terribly wrong with someone who choose to go after an older or handicapped person. In the news lately there have been several reports of scams against many senior citizens. I've never witnessed a crime where an elderly person was the victim, but we should definitely keep an eye out for the elderly in our community. It's really sickening for to know that people get satisfaction out of harming someone that can't even defend themselves. What are your thoughts ?

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Domestic Violence !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why is Domestic Violence such a frequent occurrence? What makes a man or woman put their hands on their significant other. I feel that putting your hand on anyone that you claim to love is just uncalled for.You shouldn't feel good about yourself  knowing you beat a loved one up. On the other hand, what makes people stay for years and years in these type of relationships? You don't have to hurt someone to get your point across, nor should  you accept someone putting their hands on you as "love". Love is many things, but it definitely isn't abusive or hurtful #justsaying. What do you think about domestic violence?  Domestic Violence

Sunday, November 28, 2010

A More Meaningful Christmas

It's about the time that kids starting submitting their Christmas wish list to their parents, and most likely the parents are trying their best to fulfill the list. Before you go out shopping, stop to think about what the kids really need instead of the latest gadget or toy.Realistically, how much are kids going to benefit from playing a video
game or an expensive pair of shoes which probably won't last six months. I don't have any kids yet but I do know how manipulative they can be to get what they want from their parents.This year I challenge all parents to get their kids presents that are a little more meaningful as well as the usual wants. For example, maybe something that will help them secure their future such as introducing them to stocks,bonds and a college fund. There's absolutely nothing wrong with having the latest gismo  but try to throw in something that will help develop their future while still
nurturing their childhood #imjustsaying.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving From Mrstayinhislanejones !!!!!!!!

I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. If you haven't done so already, please take the time out to give thanks.  I know we all sometimes complain about things we don't have and forget to give thanks for the things we do have. This is also the time of the year where you can eat as much as you want and not be labeled greedy lol. I can't wait for all the delicious food to hit the table and to be around family and friends. So now I wanna give thanks for all my wife, family,  & friends (real friends you know who you are), and a special prayer for those who don't have a family to be with. So now its your turn . What do you have to be thankful for?

Monday, November 22, 2010

Feel Good Music !!!!!!!

Anyone who really know me will tell you that I have genuine love for music. Music can make a bad situation feel a little better. For example, in the African American culture anytime you play Frankie Beverly's  "Before I Let You Go" that will definitely get a party started. I love all types of music but R&B is my all-time favorite. I know everyone is different when it comes to music and no genre is better than the other but everyone has a personal preference. What's your favorite kind of music?

Thursday, November 18, 2010

5 minutes with William Finch

1.    Would you give a homeless person CPR if they were dying? No I wouldn’t give CPR to a homeless person.

2.    Are you old fashioned? 
Yea, but depends on what ur talking about.

3.    If you could do anything OR wish for anything that would come true, what would you wish? 
I would wish for all my family and friends to have what they need and desire.

4.    Tell me about someone you really admire?
I really admire my brother. Because he g has the most giving heart out of anyone I know and he never wants anything in return.

5.    What are your goals in life? 
To do the will of God.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Has discipline become a thing of the past? Why is it that children in 2010 behave so harshly towards authority and rules. Whatever happen to children that are well mannered and don't talk back to adults. Can we blame the children's behavior on the parents and just let that be the reason they act out. Honestly I think the whole idea of just letting a child misbehave is crap!!!!!! I feel its the parents responsibility to teach a child proper manners and behavior. Don't worry, I do know that sometimes kid act totally opposite from how they were taught, but seems like nowadays they aren't even being taught how to follow the rules!  What do u think about a child's discipline ?

Friday, November 12, 2010

Organic Foods !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is Organic food as good as they say it is ? Lately my wife and I have been buying mostly organic foods and I must admit that it is definitely more expensive than the regular selection. The sacrifice of spending more money is certainly worth it if you are going to better your health.One contributing factor that made us want to try organic foods is the combination of deadly toxins that are put into food to reproduce them. Educating ourself on what we are putting in our body's will help us down the road, to avoid illnesses. What do you think about Organic foods?   Advantages of Organic Foods

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Pons and Cons of Social Networks !!!!!!!

How many of you feel that Social Networking sites like Facebook, Twitter,and Myspace should be the reason you don't get a job?Do you feel its fair that you lose your job based on what you say on these sites? I pose this question because some of the stuff people say and do on their pages and twit accounts are just ridiculous. It even makes me say "WHOA"... SMH. Nevertheless I'm in no way casting judgment on anyone regardless of what they decide to share online with the world. However if you want a job you must consider the attributes that employers are looking for #imjustsaying. Who wants to just settle and be content with the scraps of life? What do you think?

Is Reading Important ????

Reading plays a critical part in a child's development. Every child's ability to be successful at whatever he or she embarks on is completely based on reading and comprehension. I know people tend to feel that they can be too old to improve their reading or feel they can never get over this obstacle, but trust can be done. So in your spare time indulge your self in a book, magazine, and or newspaper. The time spent bettering yourself learning how to read will eventually pay off for you, I guarantee it.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

For Colored Girls ???????

My wife and I got a chance to see Tyler Perry's  "For Colored Girls...", last night and it was one of the best movies I have ever seen. This movie is a must see for all women, across the board no matter what race. This movie really exposes a lot of the wrong doing that men put women through. This is one of the best movies Tyler Perry has ever produced, hands down. I must say that this movie has so much substance and makes you think. It forces couples and friends to talk about very important issues that women are facing and have been dealing with for many years now. For those of you that have seen the movie, how has it changed your view of women? of men? of relationships? When you get some free time check out "For Colored Girls" by Tyler Perry...   For information go here

Friday, November 5, 2010

Changing Roles ??????

Times have really changed........... a guys approach to dealing with women is not the same as it used to be. Is it a good or bad thing? Men handle women differently than they did twenty plus years ago? For example, I have heard of instances where women have got down on one knee and proposed to their boyfriend.  This is just a little backwards and makes a woman look a little desperate to be doing the asking. I'm a forward thinker and all but what happened to the roles in a relationship. There are just certain boundaries that should be respected. So do you agree or disagree this and give me your honest opinion?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

R.I.P. Whidley"Snake The Great" Philius

"Snake The Great"
C/O 2003

 R.I.P. Whidley"Snake The Great" Philius he was shot on October 29, 2010 in Columbia South Carolina he was the younger brother of Butler Philius. There is a lot of speculation on what happened  on that night to cause Snake to get shot. This senseless act just didn't have to happen but unfortunately it did and I believe he is in a better place now. Snake and I played football together at Miami Northwestern, he was only one year behind me and was apart of the C/O 2003. I remember Snake as a guy that kept to himself and never got into trouble. If you knew "Snake The Great" or want to comment about gun violence please do so.  

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Its Election Time !!!!!!!!!!

Its election time all over the country and there are many key positions that need to be filled. Now I know a lot of you are hesistant to vote because you're undecided on who to vote for or just being lazy. Never the less, this mid-term election is very crucial to what our president is trying to accomplish and we can't afford to take it for granted. Let's set aside race,religion,and whatever party you are affiliated with and vote !!!!!!!   Voter Information

Friday, October 29, 2010

What a man wants from a woman??????

I don't consider myself a relationship expert at all but I feel that I know what I want in a woman. I must admit men can sometimes be difficult to deal with and we sometimes don't know what we want. But I do feel a man wants a woman who can carry on a conversation in front of others without embarrassment. Another key element is a woman that wants more out of life than welfare assistance and child support. Finally a man doesn't want a woman that all she is good for is a baby or babies . I know there is a lot more that men want so men you tell me what they are.

Are you Interview ready?????

Do you consider yourself interview ready? Many of us may wonder why employer's don't give us the time or the day or a chance to prove ourselves. It maybe because of how you present your self on paper or over the phone. Some will support me in saying that an interview begins when you submit an application and or resume'. I have experienced this for myself and have made have made several key  changes to market myself better. Let's keep it real and say many of us need some work and need to be willing to accept some much needed changes(Hygiene,Attire,Fragrance's,Etc) . What do you think ?  Interviewing Tips

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Restaurant Attitudes!!!!!!!!!

Why do people with customer service jobs bring attitudes and problems to work with them? They are acting as if having a job is a terrible choice, when in actuality with the economy any job is a privilege. Its not fair to the customer to have to put up with a employee's funky attitude and disposition.  I understand people have issues at home, but they shouldn't take it out on customers or their fellow employees. For example my wife and I went to an Olive Garden in Gainesville, Florida. The hostess rolled her eyes at my wife when she turned around. Honestly I was a little bit turned off by the waitresses behavior. Why was she treating us with such disgust,  we hadn't done anything to her.Of course we took our business elsewhere and laughed about this situation later, but honestly this was sad. Have you ever experienced this before? 

Whats up with the Pastors????????

Now I must emphasize that I'm not saying all pastors are hiding something but there are a few. What everyone has to understand that they are human beings first and leaders second and need to be held to a different standard. There are many who feel that Pastors and Ministers are crooks and can't be trusted . What do you think?

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Obama's Critic's

Why does everyone give the president so much grief ? It's  like his job isn't hard enough. He was elected into a dysfunctional situation and the comments that are being made about him are just unfair. I wonder if John McCain would've won would he be treated the same way. I hate to say it but it seems as though this whole argument is racially motivated. To confirm my theory, Former President Jimmy Carter  mentioned in a interview in on September 16,2009 that this "whole campaign criticizing Obama is racially driven and is not fair". President Obama  assumed office January 20,2009 so technically he hasn't even been in office two years yet so give the man a break. When George W was in office eight years he didn't get this much publicity about not being a citizen and the critics questioning his religion practices. It's all really a shame. This is even more reason to get out there and vote on Nov. 2nd. What do you think? Are Obama's critics racist?

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Why Are People So Nasty!!!!!!!!!!

It has been a couple of months since Lebron James has made his decision to join the Miami Heat. So why is he still receiving flack and animosity about his move, after all he was a Free Agent. Individuals in Lebron's camp feel this whole fiasco is racially motivated and blown totally out of proportion SMH. A Tweet That Was Sent To Lebron James ("U r a big nosed big lipped bug eyed n*****. ur greedy, u try to hide ur ghettoness," the message read. The apparent sender’s Twitter account no longer exists.) What do you think? Lebron James Reveals Racial Tweets

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

N.F.L. May Suspend Players for Violent Hits

If the NFL fines players for violent hits this will be the end of the uniqueness the game presents. I feel that there is calculated risk in everything that we do on a day to day basis and now asking players not to hit so hard is ridiculous. SMDH. I have played this game all my life and it is almost impossible not to hit with your helmet when engaging a defender. All that's left to do is to continue to develop new equipment that will aid players to withstand  the trauma that your body is under during a game. What do you think?

Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Set Up When Are We Gonna Learn

How did our govt not see this coming? These allied fighters were trained by United States . Now they're using what they've learned to defect and aid the same terrorists they were trained to fight. This was probably planned from the beginning to get into our intel capabilities. A Set Up

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Friday, August 20, 2010

What The Big Deal?

There has been a lot of crime going on in Miami-Dade in the past few weeks as it relates to police involved shootings. I really dont see a problem with how the officers handled the situations. If you were the officer and someone raised a firearm at you what you do to survive to make it home to your family at the end of the night. I don't even have to think twice. What do you think?  Miami Police Shootings

Thursday, August 19, 2010

When Is Too Much Information Too Much Information

Why people consistently put information on Social Networks (Facebook, Twitter etc......) that can lead to jail, prison or worse. For example, why would you put pictures of yourself smoking a joint or snorting cocaine. What would it take for us to get the picture that what you say on the internet can be detrimental  to you down the line. To be more direct and to my point Facebook is getting ready to launch a new service called Places.Basically it tracks your every move and display your location on Facebook. How will this benefit  you? Do you really want people (friends or not) knowing your every location??  Its becoming too much.."Too Much Information"

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Is Business Really Business?

You always hear people say that business is business and that you can't take it personally. I wonder if the executives of these large companies think about the lives they are gonna affect at the end of the day . Do they think about the families of the people that they are laying off and how bills are going to get paid. I found out today, from a very reliable source, that at the end of the year these executives get bonuses on top of their very large salaries when they make cut backs . The amount of money spent on bulls@#t is ridiculous and uneacceptable it disgusts me to know that this goes on all over the US in 2010. You  never realize the significance of being layed off until it happens to you. To everyone who is reading this never take your job for granted because it can be taken at any time. Let me know how you feel about this.

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Report goes all wrong

I found this clip on facebook and found it to be very funny . Hope everyone enjoy it as much as I did and let me know what you think.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Bad Breath? WTH

I know everyone can agree with me on this one. Sometime or another we have all come in contact with someone whose breath smelled like they had a musty man on their tongue with shit (or DOO DOO) on his shoe. Did you confront them to tell them about this serious problem that is sweeping the work place or did you choose to keep it to yourself. I mean is it a constitutional right we have as Americans to let your breath get like this if so someone please set me straight . Check this link out for the causes of BB

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Social Networking

Check out this interesting link. I found it today on the wall street journal website.

Welcome to my blog

I would like to say thank you for visiting my page. I would encourage many of you to check back frequently to read some of the many issues around our great country that affect all of us.Also I want to thank my beautiful wife for her insight,support and putting up with my crap lol. I must not forget my family, friends (friends >the real ones I mean lol) and the haters for all their support you know who you are. Thanks for stopping by later.