It's about the time that kids starting submitting their Christmas wish list to their parents, and most likely the parents are trying their best to fulfill the list. Before you go out shopping, stop to think about what the kids really need instead of the latest gadget or toy.Realistically, how much are kids going to benefit from playing a video
game or an expensive pair of shoes which probably won't last six months. I don't have any kids yet but I do know how manipulative they can be to get what they want from their parents.This year I challenge all parents to get their kids presents that are a little more meaningful as well as the usual wants. For example, maybe something that will help them secure their future such as introducing them to stocks,bonds and a college fund. There's absolutely nothing wrong with having the latest gismo but try to throw in something that will help develop their future while still
I totally concur with buying gifts that have lasting meaning and that will offer substance. All too often African American parents will go out and almost mortgage their future and the future of their children for instant self-gratification. Other cultures and races of people will purchase or invest in items that will lend to their childrens future and put them ahead of the ball game. Come on parents, instead of buying the next PS2(or3?), invest that same money in a savings instrument and prepare your children for their future. On a side note...and maybe this will be a future blog. What about those parents (and children) who have their students borrow money for student loans, then turn around and use that money on frivilous wants and when the child is no longer in school, he/she have now mortgaged their future!! It happens all too often and the children have payments up the ying yang and jacked up credit. This is a travesty!! I know someone right now...where the parents and children borrowed money to the tune of $47,000 and now the parents and child's credit is messed up because they chose to buy a car, move from one state to another and purchase unneccesary stuff with money they DID NOT HAVE!! Pitiful!!!!