Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Is Business Really Business?

You always hear people say that business is business and that you can't take it personally. I wonder if the executives of these large companies think about the lives they are gonna affect at the end of the day . Do they think about the families of the people that they are laying off and how bills are going to get paid. I found out today, from a very reliable source, that at the end of the year these executives get bonuses on top of their very large salaries when they make cut backs . The amount of money spent on bulls@#t is ridiculous and uneacceptable it disgusts me to know that this goes on all over the US in 2010. You  never realize the significance of being layed off until it happens to you. To everyone who is reading this never take your job for granted because it can be taken at any time. Let me know how you feel about this.

1 comment:

  1. This statement is true. These multimillion dollar companies only think about lining their pockets for themselves and their families. To all the people in the world I only can tell you to keep head held high, pray and stay focus on all situations. Because in the long run "What God has for you is for you" and if God allows it to be taken away from you then he has something else better in stored for you. Everyone that is in this situation pray about it to God and seek his face.
