Friday, April 8, 2011

10 Pet Peeves We All Have That We Dont Want To Say !!!!!! Ok So I Will Lol

1. High gas prices.
2. People who don't want to work for a living.
3. People who don't want better for their family.
4. A woman who think its cute to have children and don't know who the
father is. Also I bet you didnt know because you dont read that when
the Government shutdown federal money on April 8 you don't get a
check. Don't be alarmed cause you wasn't going to use it on the kids
anyway smh.
5. People who stink up the bathroom and get mad you cough and say Damn
what died lol.
6. Men who breathe smell like train smoke.
7. Men who in 2011 are still wearing a process in their hair.
8. Fathers who don't take care of their resposibilities as a man. Aka a COWARD
9. Famies who don't stick together.
10. People who borrow money and know they aren't going to pay it back.

Just 10 pet peeves from 10 different individuals. Just wanted to share with you how we all see things differently . Now its your turn what are some of your pet peeves?

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