Monday, December 27, 2010

New Year's Resloution

The new year is rapidly approaching and as you already know many of us
are now thinking about New Year Resolutions. A New Year's resolution
is a commitment that an individual makes to a project or the reforming
of a habit, often a lifestyle change that is generally interpreted as
advantageous. The name comes from the fact that these commitments
normally go into effect on New Year's Day (Courtesy of Wikipedia).The
only drawback to making a resolution is that we often never stick to
them. For example something like"I want to lose 100 pounds in the
first quarter of 2011"that's not a realistic goal at all lol.My new
years resolution is I want to be a better person,better husband, and
to continue to eat healthy. What is your New Year's Resolution?

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Who's Laughin' Now... By Charlon Talley

One day I was driving down wall street.. And Suddenly I ran out of gas.. 

Walked 2 my bank WaMu to withdraw there last.. 
And while in line this guy came over the speaker and said the bank was 
bought by Chase.. 
And as I stood there I began 2 reminise and stare into space.. 
I was taken back 2 second grade carrear day.. 
And I wondered when I'm called what would I say.. 
Talent my teacher said come 2 the front of the class its your turn.. 
Anxiety caused a fire in me that till this day continues to burn.. 
I remembered earlier at home my mom asked me what I'd say.. 
I told her a reserch scientist.. I wanna find the cure for cancer one 
So as I thought about the classes reaction and hesitated.. 
If I say a scientist.. Laughin can certainly be anticipated.. 
So maybe If I say something funny first it won't be so bad.. 
So I said I wanna be the president of the united states of america.. 
Everybody including the teacher laughed.. 
So as I walk back 2 my seat.. I felt so embarrassed and ashamed.. 
My feelings were hurt yaw'll But I had nobody but myself 2 blame.. 
And on my walk home I thought hard and long.. What If.. 
I mean I can dream like Dr. King.. Let me paint a picture through my 
History has shown us we are royalty.. Mighty and Strong inside... 
Kings and Queens of everything.. Full of passion and pride.. 
Curiosity did a number on us..What's outside Africa was always on our 
Didn't help that them folks had a brochure with Issac from the love boat 
on it with this famous line... 
The land of oppurtunity.. Never said equal did he.. 
Oppurtunity a F-Cat word.. Didn't know what it would mean 2 U and me.. 
4 a second I wanna get angry.. Blurt out what pops in my head... 
I wasn't there so its based on what I read.. 
Several Different tribes side by side.. For a long strenuous ride.. Our 
laguage was different but our pain was the same.. 
But had a common Friend yaw'll.. and Jesus was his name.. 
2 bad it wasn't time 4 AC.. (A Black Man's invention not to mention..) 
Slave Ships so hot I had to watch my brother rot.. His blood is this ink 
spot My tears will make this ink blot.. Not enough 2 smear it, just 
enough to show the pain... Lookin forward 2 that rainbow.. That promise 
after the rain... 
Destination.. America... Home of Free Land of the brave.. This slogan 
wasn't 4 my people.. They were shackled and afraid.. 
Imagine going from Kings and Queens of everything to field slaves and house maids.. 
From Mighty thrones to aution blocks 4 what ever the Master paid.. 
Master... Hmmm.. Luke 21:7-22 says.. Read it later my time is limited.. 
But here's a snippet of how it ended.. 
There is only one Master.. Inspite of how many others claim 2 be.. 
The Great I AM is the Only God that you and I will ever need.. 
And on them ships he was the Almighty Calm when the oceans were rough.. 
He was that dignity they couldn't strip when the slave owners would get nasty and tough.. 
He is the heart that can't break that life they can't take that sense 
they can't make when they wonder why won't these people die.. 
I can't stand to see U confused.. So I'm a tell U why.. 
Affirmative Action.. But not for US.. For Yaw'll 
We've taken over Base Foot and Basketball.. 
Women's tennis.. And Lets Not 4get golf.. 
Tiger still number 1 with a year off... 
Man I love my History.. And We've only just begun.. 
Don't that song make since now.. We shall overcome..?? 
I can't leave out Obama.. The history books are now in color... 
I'd be lying if I didn't tell U.. I cried the night he won.. But I did it undercover.. 
U should see my teacher now.. Acting like he knew it would happen.. 
I wish I could talk to him and ask him Y he not still laughing.. 
God had this all in his plans and we needed struggle to appreciate.. 
That becoming Kings and Queens again will soon be our fate... 
So kids when U dream.. Dream big and not just about playin ball.. 
Saying I wanna be President of the United States wasn't that funny after 

Thursday, December 23, 2010

New Beginnings!!!!!!!!

This time of the year always makes me reflect on the things that are
important to me like family and real friends.Loved ones are so
important you can never put a price on them or take the relationship
for granted .I'm sure many of us know that Christmas is not just about
gifts and material things it has a much deeper meaning. As I go about
my day I cant help but think about all the different people in the
world that don't have a place to lay their head or caring family to
call when they want to talk. So I'm encouraging myself and everyone
else to speak your mind to who ever you have issues with and get that
animosity out. I can think of nothing worse then someone to have a
problem with someone and they not know. Nevertheless we are going onto
a new year and I'm sure we all can use a clean slate somewhere in our
lives.What do think?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Nuclear Warfare????????

I have noticed there have been a lot of talk lately about Nuclear
Walfare.So now the President and his administration has been going
back to the drawing board, about what they want to do if this kind if
warfare is presented. Now as a citizen you cant help but wonder what
the real story is behind this whole thing.Could it be that there is
something a little more deeper then what they are telling us mmmmm ?
In many news feeds they're giving brief info on what to do in the case
of an emergency but im sure there will be much more information coming
in the days to come, so be ready for whatever.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Slider........By Charlon Talley

Some of U have put in serious time.. Payed your dues..
But I need to remind U of the choices U choose..
Remember it was U who made the rules..
So now U got feelings.. But in this game U lose..

U are a slider.. And your role is as such..
U come around when I want U 2.. Never 2 much..
Its only physical never emotional or mental..
I may occasionally kiss U.. But I never intend 2 be gentle

U the one I call when the main actin' funny..
Or when its my off week and I need a lil money..
Or when she on the rag or saw a text in my phone..
I mean U feel needed don't U.. Besides I can't be alone..

My slider.. I love the way U let me slide in & out your life
All U will ever be is my slider.. U can never be my wife..
Don't be mad cause u clearly stated.. And I quote
"I don't want a relationship" Just wanna be poked..

Thank U slider.. For all the G★☆Ð U do..
For the times U let yourself out when I went 2 sleep on U
And 4 not getting upset when I tell U not 2nite..
Or when U saw us at the movies and U kept it tight..

See I do care.. And U are important in my life..
U will be what I don't get from my wife..
Its a cold world.. But sliders are hot like fire..
One piece of advice 2 U Sliders.. Next time set your goals higher..

This is a Public Service Announcement.. I am Talent and I approve this message.. M&M Productions ®

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Crimes Against The Elderly !!!!!!!!

Criminals targeting elderly people is becoming more and more prevalent. Something is terribly wrong with someone who choose to go after an older or handicapped person. In the news lately there have been several reports of scams against many senior citizens. I've never witnessed a crime where an elderly person was the victim, but we should definitely keep an eye out for the elderly in our community. It's really sickening for to know that people get satisfaction out of harming someone that can't even defend themselves. What are your thoughts ?

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Domestic Violence !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why is Domestic Violence such a frequent occurrence? What makes a man or woman put their hands on their significant other. I feel that putting your hand on anyone that you claim to love is just uncalled for.You shouldn't feel good about yourself  knowing you beat a loved one up. On the other hand, what makes people stay for years and years in these type of relationships? You don't have to hurt someone to get your point across, nor should  you accept someone putting their hands on you as "love". Love is many things, but it definitely isn't abusive or hurtful #justsaying. What do you think about domestic violence?  Domestic Violence